According to the market analysis company comSource, the recent data collected from their MobileLens service puts iOS pretty far ahead of Android, at least in total U.S install base.
comSource’s team found that iOS has a combined install base of 37.9 million users and they broke that down further revealing that the iPhone was barely ahead of the iPod touch and both those devices nearly double the iPad install base in the U.S. Their press release also states that the combined 37.9 million iOS install base is 56 percent greater than the 23.8 million combined Android base.
The press release also made statements about how the comSource’s data showed that reach of Apple’s products extends well beyond the reach of ‘fanboys.’ Here’s a paragraph from their press release:
“The research also suggests that iPad ownership extends well beyond Apple’s most fervent consumers. Although a perception may exist that iPad owners tend to be those with a very strong affinity for Apple products, an analysis of the mobile devices of iPad owners indicates that may not be the case. While Apple is indeed the most heavily represented OEM among iPad owners, its OEM share (27.3 percent) is only slightly higher than its share among all smartphone subscribers (25.2 percent). RIM accounts for the second highest percentage of iPad owners at 17.5 percent, but this number is well below its overall smartphone market share of 28.9 percent. Meanwhile, Samsung, LG and Nokia are all significantly overrepresented among iPad owners as compared to their respective shares of the smartphone market. In addition, 14.2 percent of iPad users had Android phones.”
comSource also broke down the ages of iPad users and found that 25-34 year olds owned the most iPad’s followed by 35-44 year olds. The smallest group of iPad owners comes in aged 13-17 with 7.6%.
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- Source: PCmag
- Press Release: comSource