
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Xbox TV a Possibility


There were reports yesterday that Microsoft is currently trying to woo top television networks into bringing their content on the Xbox 360 here in the U.S.

As it stands Xbox 360 users currently spend about 40 percent of their time on the console watching the video content that’s currently already available via Netflix, Zune and the ESPN channels. So it would stand to reason that the content providers would want to add their content to the console, not only would it benefit them in terms of reaching a slightly wider audience they would also be getting the benefit of targeted advertising since Microsoft, y’know spies on Xbox users practically every second of the day. Hell if you own a Kinect it’s not at all impossible for advertisers to target ads for clothing in your exact size.

Anyway enough paranoia for now, although there hasn’t been any official announcement but one of the suits over at Microsoft has commented that they are ‘very interested in delivering great content to consumers.’  E3 isn’t too far away so there probably just ironing things out for an announcement there.

There’s also mention that if Xbox 360 gets television stations they might be coming to you through Verizon’s new data centers which have apparently been optimized for exactly what the rumors are rumoring, provide high definition video over the web as reliably as any cable or satellite provider. Verizon is Fios TV will be the first to take advantage of the new centers but they will be available to any retailer looking to become an online multiservice operator.

UK Sky Cable subscribers already get the use something like what people think Microsoft is planning here in the states. So the picture up top is an example of what it might look like.
