Last Friday Oracle announced they official are discontinuing their support for Open Office. Apparently due to the amazing success of LibreOffice, a fork of OOo created by some of it’s most prominent contributors.
The group responsible for LibreOffice also started a non profit organization called The Document Foundation (TDF) in order to create a vendor-neutral governance body for their software. TDF got tons of support from other OpenOffice contributors and it seems like no person by person they slowly killed the OOo by leaving Oracle as it ‘s biggest contributor.
Oracle made some attempts to get supports of TDF to step down and failed miserably. TDF tried to get Oracle to give over the OpenOffice trademark so that they could use the name for the software they were developing, Oracle of course refused, although they do say now that they’re ready to hand over control.
There is also talk that Oracle might be abandoning their Cloud Office plans. Maybe their scared developers are planning a LibreOffice cloud service
- By:
- Source: Ars Technica
- Software: Open Office