
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pentagon Planning New Cybersecurity Strategy


By: Kareem 

The pentagon is reportedly set to release a new strategy for protecting it’s computer systems today. The new strategy will apparently make more use of sensors, software and recent data collecting done by U.S intelligence.

The pentagon is saying they don’t want to come off as too aggressive in their new strategy saying that they’re not looking to militarize cyberspace but rather to deny other militaries access and dissuade them from attempting an attack.

In drafts of a speech set to be given today by Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III,

“Although it is certainly possible that a destructive or disruptive cyber attack could have an impact analogous to physical hostilities and therefore constitute an act of war, the vast majority of malicious cyber activity today would not cross this threshold, or justify a military response,”

It’s always wise to be wary of the military moving into any domain, be it physical or ‘cyber’ so take their words with a grain of salt and make sure you read between the lines. More on this to come.

Related Stuffs:

Source: The Washington Post

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